Sarking and sheathing boards for shallow pitched roofs

The insulating board with laminated membrane for maximum weather protection in new builds and renovations

  • The pitch of the standard roof can be reduced by up to 12°
  • For pitched roofs with increased requirements for rain protection (new buildings and renovation)
  • Diffusion open for increased structural safety
  • Can be combined with STEICOmulti UDB (sub-roofing membrane) to form connection details (e.g. valley, ridge etc.)
  • Ecological alternative to rigid foam panels
  • Soffit panel for the roof area from ≥ 5° (Tile and stone roofing from > 10°)

Product sheet


Produced and supervised according to EN 13171
Board designation Board thickness 40 mm: WF – EN 13171 – T5 – CS(10\Y) 200 – TR30 – WS1,0; Board thickness 60 - 100 mm: WF – EN 13171 – T5 – CS(10\Y) 100 – TR10 – WS1,0; Board thickness 120 - 240 mm: WF – EN 13171 – T5 – CS(10\Y) 50 – TR10 – WS1,0
Fire class (RTF) according to EN 13501-1 E
Declared thermal conductivity [W/(m*K)] 0,043 (40 mm) / 0,040 (60-100 mm) / 0,037 (120-240 mm)
Declared thermal resistance [(m²*K)/W] 0,90(40) / 1,50(60) / 2,00(80) / 2,50(100) / 3,20(120) / 3,75(140) / 4,30(160) / 4,85(180) / 5,40(200) / 5,95(220) / 6,48(240)
Density [kg/m³] approx. 180 (40 mm) / approx. 140 (60-100 mm) / approx. 110 (120-240 mm)
sd-value [m] 0,28(40) / 0,42(60) / 0,56(80) / 0,70(100) / 0,84(120) / 0,98(140) / 1,12(160) / 1,26(180) / 1,40(200) / 1,54(220) / 1,68(240)
Processing temperature [°C] from +5
Resistance to water penetration W1
Outdoor exposure up to 12 weeks
Suitable as a temporary roof cover up to 12 weeks
Short-term water absorbtion [kg/m²] ≤ 1.0
Specific heat capacity [J/(kg*K)] 2.100
Compressive strength at 10% compression δ10 [N/mm2] 0.2 (40 mm) / 0.1 (60-100 mm) / 0.05 (120-240 mm)
Compression strength [kPa] 200 (40 mm) / 100 (60-100 mm) / 50 (120-240 mm)
Ingredients Wood fibre, PUR resin, paraffin, diffusion-open bottom cover membrane 3-ply protected on both sides with PP fleece, seam bonding acrylic dispersion, solvent-free


Thickness [mm]

Length [mm]

Width [mm]

Edge profile

Number/pal. [pcs.]

Coverage/pal. gross [m2]

Coverage/pal. net [m²]
40 2230 600 T+G 56 74,928 71,001
60 2230 600 T+G 36 48,168 45,644
80 2230 600 T+G 28 37,464 35,501

(Please refer to the product data sheet for detailed information)

System Recommendations


Highly vapour-permeable airtight membrane
To Product

STEICOmulti tape F

High performance tape with special foil
To Product

STEICOmulti primer

solvent free primer
To Product

STEICOmulti connect

solvent free primer
To Product

STEICOmulti fill

Permanantly flexible ETICS joint adhesive
To Product

STEICOmulti nail

Nail tight tape
To Product

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