Stay cool naturally – heat protection in summer
Heat out,
well-being in
Summers are getting hotter and hotter. This has a noticeable impact on living comfort. Attic flats in particular heat up strongly in summer, as the roof offers the sun a lot of surface to attack. But it can also quickly become unbearably hot in the other rooms in summer. STEICO wood fibre insulation materials can minimise this effect and provide comfortable conditions as heat protection.
STEICO wood fibre insulating materials are characterised by a higher raw density (volume weight) than many conventional insulating materials. This means that they can offer much greater resistance to heat radiation due to their higher heat storage capacity. The heat of the day is buffered in the insulation material until the cooler evening hours. Independent studies show that the days with unpleasantly high indoor temperatures can be almost halved by using wood fibre insulation materials.
"STEICO insulation materials help to keep your home pleasantly cool even on hot days – without expensive air conditioning."

Heat has no chance of getting in
Thanks to its high heat storage capacity, the wood fibre insulation can buffer summer heat over a period of several hours. Most heat does not even get into the living space, overheating is delayed and reduced in equal measure. In the cooler evening and night hours, the stored heat can then radiate outwards again and escape.
Compared to many synthetic insulation materials, wood fibre insulation materials are much less likely to reach temperature levels that cause discomfort. With STEICO wood fibre insulation materials, heat peaks are reduced by 25 to 33 per cent (expert analysis by Prof. Hauser). The result: with wood fibre insulation materials, we feel less discomfort on hot summer days. They regulate temperature in a natural way, increase well-being and are also good for the environment.
Climate-protecting heat protection
Worldwide, more energy is used to cool buildings than to heat them. Expensive air conditioning systems are also on the rise here. Yet a lot can be achieved with the right insulation – also for the climate. The amount of wood fibre insulation used to insulate an average roof permanently stores more than 3 tonnes of CO2. This is roughly equivalent to the emissions caused by an average car driver in 3 years. This CO2 remains removed from the atmosphere throughout the life of the building.
Further advantages of STEICO insulation materials
Excellent cold protection
STEICO insulation materials: cold protection, climate protection and heating cost reduction in one.
Protection from summer heat
STEICO wood-fibre insulation materials are leading in summer heat protection.
Diffusion openess protects against mould and supports a healthy indoor climate
Sound protection
Pleasant peace and quiet within your own four walls with STEICO insulation materials.
Fire protection
Just in case: reliable fire protection up to REI 90.
Healthy homes
Ecological STEICO insulating materials: a contribution to more healthy homes.
STEICO products for excellent heat protection
Flexible wood fibre insulation mat. Best insulation value of all natural insulation materials.
Sarking and sheathing board made using the wet process. Secure rain protection.
STEICOuniversal dry
Sarking and sheathing board made using the "dry process". Secure rain protection.
Sarking and sheathing board made using the wet process. Secure rain protection.
Stable thermal insulation for flat applications. Made using the wet method.
STEICOtherm dry
Stable thermal insulation with a wide range of applications, e.g. for on-roof insulation systems.

Cavity insulation made from natural wood fibre. Rapid, environmentally friendly and particularly inexpensive.